The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Sunday, August 9th, 2009

    Time Event
    A Present....

    [First, an OOC note. Our Vamp/Wolf/LaughingOctopus/LydiaDeetz's RPer is celebrating their birthday today! On behalf of NFPDR, I'd like to congratulate said RPer and wish them the happiest of birthdays]

    [I promised them this gift! A smut thread between Vamp and Remy! Yes, it was going to happen eventually anyway, but we might as well get off the, ahem, 'to do list.' Apparently, the need to resolve UST is related to one of the laws of thermodynamics.]

    [Remy has left a note on the door of his "Seduction Room"]


    You know you want me. Come in.


    [Locked to phallicknives]

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