The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Saturday, July 18th, 2009

    Time Event
    Well this is certainly different...
    Hands clasped behind his back and with a bored line to his black lips, he walked through the strange darkness that had appeared within his lab. He had felt absolutely no psychic pull so that discounted about half the universal phenomenon this could be associated with. His tesseract system still seemed to be working well enough, the telepathic link he had allowing him to form them at will to either side as he moved with a casual stride. Still, the darkness had appeared and he had yet to find a way out or where it led.
    He paused in his step and turned around to look behind him. There was no sign of his lab. Red eyes narrowed in annoyance and he walked back the way he came for a long time, eventually finding himself at the edge of white steel walls. Not his lab, but similar in feel... and familiarity.
    He stepped out of the darkness and glanced behind him to find it completely gone, a long hallway in that familiar style stretching out to either side. He attempted to open a tesseract portal and his mind could no longer connect with the system, as if it did not exist and never had. That would make returning to his lab most difficult.
    The burning flow of anger began circulating through his icy veins, lava awakening the volcano. Whomever had done this to Sinister would pay dearly once he found them.

    Current Mood: annoyed

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