The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

    Time Event
    The Jerry Springer Room, Part 2
    [Jerry began the show. Remy and his player-wireframe were both in chairs on the stage]

    JERRY:"Today's topic is my character is a rampant sexoholic! Please meet the Moderator. The Moderator here says that his character's compulsive whoring is stopping him from sleeping. Well Moderator, please explain what's going on?"

    MODERATOR: "Hi Jerry. Remy over here, well, he's a slut!"

    REMY [to MODERATOR]: "Nolo contendre mon ami, nolo contendre!"

    AUDIENCE: "You're a slut! You're a slut! You're a slut!"

    [Remy chuckles, the Moderator laughs too]

    MODERATOR: "It's not that I mind, its just his smut threads are eating into my sleep, and stopping me from doing actual work!"

    REMY [to MODERATOR]: "You de best writer I ever had mon ami! You give Remy so much love!"

    MODERATOR [to REMY]: "Literally. With Wolverine, Matt Parkman, General Genesis and Prince Tseng. I'm sure you want to add Jill to the list too. And Baird."

    REMY [to MODERATOR]: "Well we know you don't mind de sex, why no?"

    MODERATOR [to REMY]: "BECAUSE I NEED TO GET SOME FUCKING SLEEP AND WORK DONE! And hey, Jill's player mightn't be interested either!"

    REMY [to MODERATOR]: "I'm sure I could change her mind mon ami!"

    MODERATOR [to REMY]: "Remy, you could change Melissa Etheridge's mind on that subject, but that's not the fucking point here!"

    REMY [to MODERATOR]: "You still de bes' player Remy ever had mon cher... why no' have Remy say t'ankyou?" [Remy smirks whilst leaning over to the Moderator].

    MODERATOR [to REMY]: "Are you hitting on me? Man, one of my own characters is hitting on me? [Moderator looks around, amazed] What does that say about me for fuck's sake? I'm RPing one of my own characters hitting on me, fuck I need a fucking vodka" [Vodka Martini with a lemon twist and no olive instantly appears and the wireframed figure starts sipping it]

    JERRY: "And that's why I host this show!"

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