The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

    Time Event
    More xmen!~
    [There is a repeating sound of something, it sounds like something you've probably never heard. But whatever it is it seems to be creating smoke and lots of it. Dark seemingly purpleish smoke seeping out from underneath the doors-- It hasn't reached the hallway yet..

    Or maybe it doesn't even know that there IS a hall-- Another noise and the smoke starts to pour out from one of the top corners in the hallway.

    Through the smoke a visible blue person could be seen clinging to the wall, observing the new surroundings.]
    Drunk drunk drunk
    [walks out of the bar after seeing Baird and Cid head for the trenches]

    I'm drukking funk. That Baistard bard... wh'ever happnd to leave wi' the one who brung yah?

    [mumbles, grumbles, fumbles and tumbles, ends up in a gutter with a wet face]

    Nice guys finish fast! I mean, finish last...

    This is all Mohinder's fault... 'f it weren't for him I'd only be gettin rejected by girlses...

    There's gotta be something interesting in one of these rooms...

    [pokes into hair salon room, into room with infinite number of monkeys on typewriters, into oval office of white house, into quite possibly the TARDIS]

    'Lo? 'Lo?

    [((join matt out on the street or just say what's goin on in your room + he'll see it thru the window))]

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