The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Monday, March 2nd, 2009

    Time Event
    Baird and Train Sub Plot Action Thread: Looks like trouble...
    At a gradual pace, Train and his new-found friend Baird were just shooting the breeze on their way to find someplace that's got milk in it.

    "Yeah, that's the way we live, Sven and I. There's Eve too, this kid who sometimes helps us out." he continued, going on a bit about what he does for a living. He brought his hands up to behind his head again, smiling. "There's a lot of traveling involved. I've lost track of how many places we've been to..."

    Train drifted off from his words when he noticed a door off to the right ten feet ahead of them. His sharp vision also spotted some thin black line markings on the floor before it. "Huh," he said, and jogged a little ahead of Baird to investigate. The parallel lines went from one side of the corridor to the other. They weren't just lines--they were very thin slits in the floor!

    "That's strange," he muttered, "Wonder what they're for..." He looked up to the door on his right. Something is definitely off here. He looked over his shoulder and called to Baird, "Uh, we may have to be on our guard at this point!"

    Train made sure not to step over the line just ahead of him, and remained in between the slits. Staring at the door, he was starting to wonder if opening it would make things any better--or worse. Baird did say something about traps...

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