The "No Fandom Politics" Dressing Room RPG's Journal
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Sunday, February 15th, 2009

    Time Event

    [She had been waiting a long time for this. It was finally the last battle...

    The battle that would end her life.

    She sat and waited upon the snowy hills infront of the door that he was heading for.

    Watching. Waiting.
    Ever vigilant in her quest to conquer her prey.

    But she felt... strange, for some reason.

    It was like a huge wave of anxiety swallowing her whole... and suddenly, she wasn't in the snow anymore.

    She appeared to be in a building. A building with many doors and empty, white hallways]

    ...Have I died so quick that I did not even get a chance to get one shot in?

    [When she spoke, her voice was thick with the accent of one from the middle-east]

    Current Mood: awake

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