No Destination: Journals - January 12th, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
No Destination: Journals

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January 12th, 2018

[Jan. 12th, 2018|01:01 am]


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I wonder if the great Powers That Be would let us change the name of Loki's. And sell our own products. And keep all the profit.

This is why you should never let a Weasley be idle, friends. We will take over.
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[Jan. 12th, 2018|12:19 pm]
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[Ginny, Neville, Albus, Roxanne, James, Lily]
Someone talk me out of this if you think it's dumb, but [...]

You know how people have been saying that once you walk so far out of the village you find yourself back again? I want to find the line. I want to know at exactly which point you get transported back.

Anyone in to help?
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[Jan. 12th, 2018|06:55 pm]


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So. I think Remus tried to make me go blind.
Just saying. Never trust his cup, mates.
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[Jan. 12th, 2018|08:37 pm]


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[Moony & Prongs]
I've nearly finished drawing the map. I think it may be better than the last one.
[End Ward]

You doing anything today?
[End Ward]

Well, it's official. I am employed up in this village.
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[Jan. 12th, 2018|10:59 pm]


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Thank you for that most enlightening... discussion.
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