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June 14th, 2008

[info]slowmercury in [info]no_true_pair

"The Gift" Good Omens/Harry Potter

"The Gift" Good Omens/Harry Potter
Title: The Gift
author: [info]slowmercury
Fandom: Good Omens and Harry Potter
Pairing/characters: Adam/Hermione
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Prompt/Challenge: Adam needs help that only Hermione can provide
Author's Notes: This prompt would have been a lot easier if Hermione needed Adam's help, because (for those of you unfamiliar with Good Omens), Adam's the Antichrist - he's more or less all-powerful.

Adam was in so much trouble... )

[info]chibirisuchan in [info]no_true_pair

Discworld/FF7:AC, Granny Weatherwax and the Sephlings

Title: Prudent
Author/Artist: [info]chibirisuchan
Fandom: Discworld and FF7
Pairing/characters: Granny Weatherwax and the Sephlets
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Bad amateur headology
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Granny Weatherwax and the Advent Children boys, weaponkink
Author's notes: the past couple weeks have sucked. After the repeatedly flooding basement episodes two weeks ago, I finally saw an actual insurance adjuster one hour ago. In an attempt at fleeing from the deluge of paperwork and damaged housewares, here I am being irresponsible... ^^;;;

fic here )

[info]shiegra in [info]no_true_pair

D.Grayman, Kanda/Cloud Nine

Title: Lessons
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: D.Grayman
Pairing/characters: Kanda/Cloud Nine
Rating: PG13/R
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Kanda needs help that only Cloud Nine can provide.
A/N: I had some wierd little backstory in my head that she helped him devise the attack we see early in the manga but that's not terribly relevant.

Read more... )

[info]laylah in [info]no_true_pair

[admin] week two, wrapping up!

Just a few hours left in week 2, and you guys all rock hardcore!

Just as a reminder -- the prompts for week 3 are:

* 8 and 6: "Don't make me come over there."
* 10/7, sex under the influence
* 2 and 11 have something to celebrate.
* 9 and 8: love is blindness / I don't want to see / won't you wrap the night around me
* 2 and 7 with the title, "Holding the High Ground."
* 6/1, dominance/submission
* 3 and 4, hurt/comfort of any sort
* 5 and 9 with the title, "Behind the Mask."

If it's already Sunday in your time zone, feel free to start posting for these. The rest of us will catch up. :3

[info]laylah in [info]no_true_pair

"Matched," Persona 3/FFXII

Title: Matched
Author: Laylah
Fandom: Persona 3/Final Fantasy XII
Characters: Minato and Ashe
Rating: worksafe
Prompt: 11 and 12 play a game or sport together

Dalmasca has a girl on their kendo team. )

[info]chibirisuchan in [info]no_true_pair

FF7/Fruits Basket via KH, Sephiroth and Tohru, "The Edge of the Map"

Title: The Edge of the Map
Fandom: FF7 and Fruits Basket via Kingdom Hearts
Pairing/characters: Sephiroth and Tohru
Rating: PG
Warnings: Dancing mushrooms
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Tohru and Sephiroth with the title, "The Edge of the Map."
Notes: I really, really wanted to make a gif-icon of KHSephiroth's 'blink' moment in the conversation with Sora and Goofy for this fic, but I haven't got the tools to get it out of video. Sigh... ^_^ My apologies that this is totally unproofread; I'm finishing it off in the editing window right now... out of time! ;_; may try to fix for the 'overtime' round later...


fic here )

[info]white_aster in [info]no_true_pair

"The Edge of the Map", Getbackers/Persona 3

Title: The Edge of the Map
Author: White Aster
Fandom: Getbackers/Persona 3
Pairing/characters: Akabane, Akihiko
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU for both characters, non-graphic blood
Prompt: Akabane and Akihiko with the title, "The Edge of the Map"

Akihiko did not like the new caravan guard they'd picked up in the last town.  )