April 5th, 2011

[info]shadowenpointe in [info]no_good_deed

Hello Goodbye

Who: Kitty OTA
What: Kitty discovers Lorna is gone and tries not to assume the worst.
When: After her first class in the morning.
Where: Second floor, will travel.
Rating: I assume no higher than PGish.

It came as no surprise to Kitty when she found herself lacking in the sleep department in the days following Theresa's return to Ireland. The girls had shared a room for so long that she'd gotten used to having a roommate again. Not having someone right there to talk to or just chill and watch something silly on tv before sleep took over was lonely. It was one of those things that made her realize the old adage about not appreciating what you had until it was gone was true. At least in this case. She kept waking up and realized it was the lack of noise that was doing it. Terry always had a fan on, or the computer at least. And she was a soft snorer. She was going to have to get used to sleeping in quiet once again.

Her class that morning was more personal work with Kitty walking around and offering help when it was needed. One student was missing, and while it wouldn't have been a matter of concern in a normal school, a missing student at Xavier's meant they needed to be checked on. Especially when that missing student was one Lorna Dane )

[info]wingsofwhite in [info]no_good_deed

Who: Warren OTA
What: Chillaxing
When: Mid-morning
Where: Library
Rating: Can't imagine it'll go over PG.

He could have just done all of this in his room but then what would have been the point of being at the mansion? )