09 May 2011 @ 02:30 pm
Fic: The Moves of Jennifer Steinkamp (Roman, Jenny, Lars, pre-canon)  
Just archiving this here.

Title: The Moves of Jennifer Steinkamp
Author: [info]aldiara
Fandom/Characters: Alles was zählt; Roman Wild, Jennifer Steinkamp, Lars Berger. PAUL PRADEL PAUL PRADEL PAUL PRADEL. (Shup. His 2-3 mentions totes make him a main character in this. YES THEY DO.)
Word Count: ~13,000
Rating: PG
Summary: This is the story of the second time Roman fell in love, which means, naturally, that this is a story all about Jennifer Charlotte Annabelle Steinkamp.
Disclaimer: The characters of Alles was zählt belong to RTL, more’s the pity.
Author’s Notes: Huge thanks to my wonderful brainthird [info]lilithilien for her super-speedy beta! <333

It's too long for IJ, so...

(Read The Moves of Jennifer Steinkamp at AO3)
Current Mood: productive
11 December 2010 @ 01:00 am
hohoho fest gift | for [info]amberbluebell  
Title: Icons
Artist: [info]klutzerina
Recipient: [info]amberbluebell
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Deniz/Roman/Marc, Simone/Florian, Roman/Axel, Roman/Richard, Jenny/Roman, Jenny/Lars
Count: 30
Artist's Notes: 1 set of 20 Black & White De/Ro/Ma icons, 1 set of 10 assorted pairing icons in colour. Credit for the lighting textures used in the black and white icons to innocent_lexys.