16 May 2011 @ 03:54 pm
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 17  
It's time for another picture prompt...

That's right, folks - I COMMAND EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU TO WRITE TIM FIC FOR ME! It's good to be the drabblemod.
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ktbob: Simone fanfic[info]ktbob on May 16th, 2011 04:38 am (UTC)
When he saw the dress in the shop window, he knew it was the perfect gift. He dragged Julian inside and made him translate, pacing as the saleswoman searched the back storeroom. But then there it was, silky and exotic, like Nina’s hair. His hands itched to stroke down the length of it.

He paid too much, Julian said, but he didn’t care. In his mind’s eye he pictured her opening the parcel, lifting the dress out, holding it against her slim body, awed and impressed. It would remind her of him every time she wore it.

Top that, Deniz.
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Aldi: AWZ: Deniz happyface[info]aldiara on May 16th, 2011 04:59 am (UTC)
Awww, this is perfect Tim! The Nina stuff is all tuggy, and then the last line made me chortle. Boys and their pissing contests!
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Lilith: actor-nathalie[info]lilithilien on May 16th, 2011 05:23 am (UTC)
Oh man, that dress he bought Nina just broke me in the Show, and getting the backstory on it is amazing! Awesome job!!
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Momo: shine by georgiakerr[info]momogermany on May 16th, 2011 06:10 pm (UTC)
This is so lovely! And it so wonderfully brought out the two sides of Tim: the vulnerable, first time really in love young man, and the pissy teenage boy! Adorable all the way!
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