16 May 2011 @ 07:58 am
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 9  
Okay, time for a shift change, I think, so [info]lilithilien will take over with the prompts after this one and I'll grab some shut-eye. More than a third of the way through, guys! You've been fantastic! Can't wait to see what else the day will bring, and to go back and reread what's already been written. So much sparkle!

No. 9 is another picture prompt:

(Shhhhh, we needed one with her in it! She wouldn't get any love otherwise, unless [info]graspthethorn drops by!)

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amo_amas_amat: nathan bf[info]amo_amas_amat on May 15th, 2011 10:09 pm (UTC)
Re: d-rama!
LOLLLLLLLLSSS It's about time Zoe's perspective got heard properly. <33333 And tbh if I was Ingo and Celine's daughter I'd have issues with it as well.
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