16 May 2011 @ 05:59 am
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 7  
(hahahaha, No. 7. hahahaah. shup, it is ridic o'clock here, and everything's amusing).

One time, just one time, I would like to write a drabble, love it the way it is, then check the word count and find it is 100 already. Gaaaah.

Ready for another prompt? Doesn't matter if you're not, you've still got most of the day. Keep rocking this shit!

Prompt No. 7 is: Lipgloss.
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Aldi: AWZ: Vanessa is a rose[info]aldiara on May 15th, 2011 06:23 pm (UTC)
Nina likes them in stupid flavours. Cherry, strawberry, banana, cinnamon. Which is ridiculous and frustrating, because if you wanted to eat something cherry-flavoured, a normal person would just get something cherry-flavoured, right? Or they might go crazy and get, y'know, actual cherries.

No one's ever accused Nina of being a normal person, though, so Vanessa plods on gamely, sitting too close to her when she helps her with the maths homework, surreptitiously staring at the shiny coat of gloss on Nina's lips.

Sometimes she borrows it and licks it off her own lips, because she's a sucker for self-torture, apparently.
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winterlover[info]winterlover on May 15th, 2011 06:37 pm (UTC)
You beat me, but only because my upload went so slow. But good, so the timeline stays intact.
I love self-torturing Vanessa, much more than babyspeak-talking Vanessa.
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Aldi: AWZ: Axel sparkles[info]aldiara on May 15th, 2011 06:48 pm (UTC)
Heeeeh, I love yours as an eventual conclusion to mine! In fact, I think all the drabbles for this prompt so far should be part of one epic story, lol.
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alsha: Dr Horrible: crushing on you[info]alsha on May 16th, 2011 05:37 am (UTC)
*wordless flailing* THIS!
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G: Nina[info]giorgiakerr on May 16th, 2011 07:26 am (UTC)
GIRLS. Why do you do this to me?
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