amo_amas_amat ([info]amo_amas_amat) wrote in [info]no7_awz on May 15th, 2011 at 05:26 pm

“Hmmff?” Lars stirs from his latest drunken stupor.

“Do you ever sleep with women who aren’t skaters?”


“I’m just saying, all of your girlfriends have been skaters.”

Lars sighs, “They’re just the ones that are there Mike.”

Wow, Mike thinks, they must love hearing that. What he says is, “I’m here.”

Lars raises an eyebrow, although it looks less than suggestive with his head still lolling off the end of the sofa. “I noticed.”

Mike passes him a glass of water. Lars sits up carefully, still scowling but nothing too aggressive. He looks at Mike, “I did notice.”
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