16 May 2011 @ 03:01 am
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 4  
Yo, busy drabble-writing bees. Looks like everyone is posting drabbles directly in the comments, so, uh, forget we ever said anything about linking from your own journal, lol.

We're into the 4th hour already (sheesh! It's like they happen every hour or something!), and the new prompt is this picture:

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wildepet: Brain_outoforder[info]wildepet on May 16th, 2011 09:09 am (UTC)
I don't know, you guys, I don't know...
"What's going on?" Grünwald whispered, sharing a confused look with his photographer.
"No idea. Should we call the cops?"
"Are you mad? We got an exclusive!"
About an hour earlier they'd gotten an anonymous tip-off that something big was going down at the Steinkamp Villa today. Now they were crouching behind the wall, watching a gang of masked people hanging a huge banner from the balony.
"There," the photographer pointed out, getting his camera ready.
There was a commotion by the backdoor and people cheered loudly as two men carried out an enormous stuffed giraffe.
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Momo: Mike has a banana by shellykitty[info]momogermany on May 16th, 2011 10:37 am (UTC)
Re: I don't know, you guys, I don't know...
Haha, hope they don't take her to VL!
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wildepet: Annette_insane[info]wildepet on May 16th, 2011 11:07 am (UTC)
Re: I don't know, you guys, I don't know...
Grrrr. Balcony, even.
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geekchick1013: AWZ DeRo CeilingFlashlight[info]geekchick1013 on May 16th, 2011 02:03 pm (UTC)
Re: I don't know, you guys, I don't know...
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Christine: AxelSigAwesome[info]spaghettitoes on May 16th, 2011 09:56 pm (UTC)
Re: I don't know, you guys, I don't know...

That poor, poor creature. Do PETA do therapy sessions for animals?
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Aldi: AWZ: Deniz goes LOL[info]aldiara on May 17th, 2011 05:23 am (UTC)
Re: I don't know, you guys, I don't know...
This is made of purest unadulterated awesomesauce. Oh Pet. Giraffe fic. Only you, BB. Only you <33333333333333
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