16 May 2011 @ 03:01 am
Drabble Day: Prompt No. 4  
Yo, busy drabble-writing bees. Looks like everyone is posting drabbles directly in the comments, so, uh, forget we ever said anything about linking from your own journal, lol.

We're into the 4th hour already (sheesh! It's like they happen every hour or something!), and the new prompt is this picture:

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Momo: Grumpy Axel by Giorgia[info]momogermany on May 15th, 2011 04:39 pm (UTC)
Re: Journalist sein ist schwer!
Armer Grünwald! Aber eins muss man ihm lassen, er ist immer zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Platz, lol!
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