G ([info]giorgiakerr) wrote in [info]no7_awz on January 8th, 2011 at 06:02 am
FIVE [the universe and everything]
Ah, the description of travelling makes me want to travel SO BADLY. And/or be in a coffee shop somewhere on a cold day, sitting on a couch or a stool, relaxing by myself. God that sounds so enticing right now. It's a beautiful description; it really strikes me, reading it. So introspective and so descriptive, and it makes so much sense, and gives this character a new dimension. His love for coffee shops and travelling is something that we never knew about him before, something that has nothing to do with the things we DO know about him, really, and these little details make him all the more human, all the more independent from Roman and from Show, even. It's this kind of detail that I think fanfiction is all about, sometimes.

But in this moment he feels himself in that in-between state again, when he’s tied to the past and the future hasn’t taken hold yet.

I think this is the perfect description of that feeling. Whether it's a relationship, a career move, a summer holiday from school, moving house... you put to words a feeling that is so familiar, but that I could never quite grasp. I love that.

And the simple act of drinking coffee bring back so many memories, drawing a connection there that goes so much deeper than just drinking coffee. A small difference, but one that is so *meaningful* that it's almost painful. And it rings of so many other images: Marc trying to teach Roman to appreciate wine, Roman rebelling and just glugging it all; Roman getting antsy becuase Marc's taking forever to finish his coffee and Roman wants to go shopping; them, watching each other with fascination over their drinking habits. And the speed of drinking is so... them. They're timy little characteristics that I think match their characters so well, that almost *describe* their characters. Roman, ever-rushing, always in a hurry, about to trip over his own shoelaces or choke on his drink; Marc, outwardly calm, introspective, not rushing the things that he considers savourable.

Alkajsdfljghdka. Drinking should not be so complex and meaningful, but it is, and I love you. And now I want to sit in a coffee shop at night and watch people wander through the city streets, which really just makes me wish that coffee shops here were open past like 6. Damn.

And the end!

I know it's been said already, but I adore that all five scenarios leave us without conclusion. That it would be lovely, or painful. That nothing could happen and everything could happen. And that each ends with a different feeling - hope, worry, fear, nervousness, excitement, many more, and any combination thereof. But at the same time, you could see each playing out. In many different ways, but the foundation was built so well each time that each outcome is so different. Even if every time they end up together, it'll always be different, and I think that says so much about relationships and people, and especially about these characters and their personalities.

AND I'M SORRY MY RESPONSE WAS SO LATE! But now that I've had a whole day to sit here and digest, I'm glad that I did indeed have a whole day, because that was awesome. So, so awesome, and the best Christmas present ever!! THANK YOU SO MUCH, MA! (And now I can go look at the Masterlist with the authors, because I'm dying of curiosity, here, and I've had to refrain all day, haha.)

THANK YOU! <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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