amo_amas_amat ([info]amo_amas_amat) wrote in [info]no7_awz on December 31st, 2010 at 10:52 am
Oh god, I'm stunned as well. It's a beautiful piece of writing. It glows with nostalgia and regret and chances that come and go.

It gives us so much colour to roman and marc's relationship that was conveyed within the acting but never given much detail in the writing. In fact, it's something Show could never have done - it couldn't have the room or scope for something so delicate. This fic demonstrates exactly what writing can give you that film can't and even though they're both great and have their place, I'm so glad we didn't miss out on this.

There is so much detail and nuance and consciousness to be relished but I don't feel ready for that because really this is the most long winded way of saying I LOVE IT as a beautiful whole and I can't bring myself to comment on the individual things I love because I'm too in love with the whole thing (and if I comment on eveything here that means hofest is over and that's so sad!)

Thank you Mystery Author for making such a beautiful dance for roman and marc. (Interpretive. Painful. Dance.) Loved IT!
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