No Man's Land: San Francisco- The OOC Forum

July 6th, 2011

No Man's Land: San Francisco- The OOC Forum

"Love sucks. Sometimes it feels good. Sometimes it's just another way to bleed."


July 6th, 2011


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Yay! Callie here. I have two more characters for your consideration. (I know, you're stunned I made more because that's something I NEVER do! ;) ) Ahem. On with the introductions!

The first is this girlie I'm using right here. This is Kinsley Devereaux. She's the younger sister to Kherington and Kendall and a submissive leopard in the Pard. She is newly turned 18. She is, in short, a little princess. Their parents spoiled her growing up, and her older sisters both cater to her every need. Kinsley is definitely high maintenance, and is used to people doing things for her all the time. She inspires the need to protect, though she can also be a bit infuriating with her vanity and helplessness. Kinsley definitely has high priced tastes, and can be viewed as snobbish or cold by people who don't know her well. Of course, she's not ACTUALLY mean, she simply is used to being catered to and taken care of. Kinsley is actually quite sweet and can be very personable, though she is quieter than her sisters and has expectations and tastes that are very high. Read more in her bio here, since I'm rambling. She is in need of friends, exes, maybe some enemies. I'd like a friend/lover who will teach her to be more self-sufficient and not so stuck-up, so there's that line to fill if anyone's interested! :D

My next is Delilah Paisley. ([info]honeybeedee) Mainly she goes by Lilah, but she'll answer to a number of things. She's a witch and her powers center around the Earth. Her specialty is making plants grow or reviving them if they die, though she can also control and wield earth as a whole. Lilah owns a florist shop called Bed of Roses, and she is quite creative and in love with her shop (and flowers) She's genuinely sweet, a well-mannered, even-tempered, proper southern lady. She is laid-back, and has that southern talent of seeming relaxed even when she has a ton to do. Lilah was raised right, and is a good girl. She can be a pushover, and hates confrontation or disappointing people; which makes her seem naive. She can be tough if you mess with a friend or family, and is better at sticking up for others rather than herself. For more on her, see here. :) Miss Lilah needs friends, of which I assume she'll have MANY, exes (but no naughtiness yet, she's a lady!). I guess some might not like her, but I can't imagine why! I have no specific plot in mind for her, so if you have any ideas, lemme know!

Thanks ladies! <3
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