OOC for No Good Deed - December 30th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
OOC for No Good Deed!

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December 30th, 2010

[Dec. 30th, 2010|03:23 pm]
Hi guys! So I bring in Jamie Madrox to fill a wanted add and because I wanted to. Jamie has been in jail for five years for the fun he had with Mags and his crew, also because of the whole robbing seven banks at once thing. If you're wondering why he only got five years, it's in his profile. Along with the five years he had to have the Cure administered. And now things are getting messy.

Poor Jamie, every time someone bumps into him, scares him, he hiccups, sneezes...out comes another dupe. I've decided not to bring him in until New Year's is over since there's a lot going on there, but, BUT if you have a thread in a public place it could easily be assumed there is at least one Jamie dupe running around in it. He's gonna be pretty much everywhere until he can get this thing under control.

So...plotting, anyone?
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Long Term AFK [Dec. 30th, 2010|08:30 pm]
I'll be completely away from the computer until probably Monday as I travel for New Years. You all have a great one!
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