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updates [30 Mar 2009|01:36am]
hey guys!

It seems we gained two, and lost two. Please welcome Camilla Richter and Rochelle Darkholme, as well as their muns Cara and Charlie! Joey and Raven will no longer be with us, as Raven's internet went "kaput", so included is the updated f-button! :)

With this being our second incident with people who have joined, primarily for plotlines with another person, (as indicated via a person's application) they will be sifted through like flour in a strainer. Inviting friends to join something is one thing, but people who join something together, and come with relationships already paired, and have their histories interestingly woven into one another, simply won't be tolerated anymore.

As far as the plot, Luis and I have been diligantly working on solid directions to move things in. Because of this, we may be introducing four possible children from pairings, a bit early. These four will be joining us from the United Kingdom, as events which are about to unfold, will bring them here. So, if you might be interested in snatching one, we DO have some plot planned for him/her. :)

So, the plot will be posted like, now! (I know! I lied! But i've had one HELL of a weekend (aunt in hospital, car's window got shattered, etc, etc.) Interested in seeing who passed the cut, and who will be added? A wise little bird told me, someone leaked it --and you can find it on the.. RUMOR MILL!

that about it so far!

Thanks guys!

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and another one [30 Mar 2009|02:26pm]
hey-oh! this is nando. and i bring you vince grey. vince is generally a nice guy. a little reserved, but that's mostly because he likes to keep his life to himself. he returned from a intergalactic tour about a year ago and has been hanging out and trying to figure out what to do with the rest of his life.

all the info is in his profile. i'm all for any sorta line. i loves them. :D

five facts!

* hates red and yellow.
* spent his summer vacations in space.
* can speak five different languages.
* was part of an intergalactic band called the starjammers.
* exiled from the shi'ar empire.
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