Monday, May 5th, 2014

Who: Skye and Gawain
When: Monday May 5, after dinner
Where: 7th year Hufflepuff Boy's Dorm
What: TBA? Cuddling probably.
Rating/Warnings: None/Low
Status: Closed/Complete
this had become somewhat of a habit in recent weeks )
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Saturday, March 8th, 2014

Who: Sebastien Smith, Thomas Florence, & Gawain Robards
When: Sunday, morningish.
Where: Hufflepuff, 7th year boys dorm.
What: Potions plot aftermath.
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/incomplete.

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Thursday, March 6th, 2014

Who: Skye and Gawain
When: Evening, March 6
Where: Hufflepuff common room
What: Cuddles/talking probably?
Rating/Warnings: Considering them, low/none.
Status: Closed/Complete
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Saturday, March 1st, 2014

Who: Hufflepuff House!
When: Saturday Night
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room
What: Cathal's birthday and he's organised his own party. He's baked his cake and bribed the house elves to give extra food, so it should be a good one, he thinks.
Rating/Warnings: None yet!
Status: Open to Hufflepuffians/Incomplete

It was probably a bit of a sad thing, sorting out your own birthday party, but Cathal didn't care, really. )
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Friday, February 14th, 2014

Who: Gawain and Bedivere
When: 2/14
Where: Random hallway
What: Aftermath of Gawain's date
Rating/Warnings: None really?
Status: Closed/Complete
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Who: Skye and Gawain
When: Friday Evening, Feb 14
Where: Valentine's Ball
What: Talking, dancing, kissing...
Rating/Warnings: None/Low
Status: Closed/Complete

Unlike a lot of her other female peers, Skye didn’t take very long getting ready for the ball. )
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Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

Who: Starts with Bedivere & Gawain. Then... SCHOOL WIDE!
What: Snowball War!!!
When: After last classes.
Where: School Grounds, outside.
Rating: PG/PG-13.

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Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Who: Skye and Gawain
What: Their lunch date
When: Wednesday Jan 29
Where: Herbology greenhouse, then great hall
Rating: TBA, but I'm about 200% it will be low (Low/None)
Status: Closed/Complete

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