Out of Character's Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 60 most recent ones recorded in Out of Character's InsaneJournal:

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    Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
    11:26 am
    Hello everyone! My name is Cate. I'm new here and I'll be bringing Remus to the game. Hopefully he's the Remus you all know and love. Fun facts about him include: 1. He has a serious addiction to chocolate and books. Tea is close to being added to the list. 2. He loves sweaters and kind of dresses like a 60 year old man instead of a teenager. 3. He takes his studies most seriously. 4. He would do anything for his friends. 5. He's awesome. Duh. And secretly a mad genius which is the only explanation for his scheming with James, Sirius, and Peter.

    So. Yes. Remus is Remus is Remus. I'm excited to bring him into the game and I cannot wait to start playing with all of you.
    Tuesday, February 4th, 2014
    10:28 pm
    Hello everyone!

    I'm Michelle and I'm new around here. This is Lily Evans, your resident Head Girl and friendly person!

    I'm very eager to start playing and will gradually get some more icons up for her because 6 are most definitely not enough!

    I look forward to playing.
    Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
    5:35 pm
    Neko here... AGAIN. Sorry.

    Meet Bedivere Robards, the little brother of Gawain. He is a 6th year Gryffindor, and is loud and obnoxious. He can be crass and blunt, and he will flirt with the girls. However he does his out there routine to draw attention away from Gawain and help protect his secret. Bedivere is a goodball, and really dislikes Slytherins, but really adores his adorable older brother. lol.

    Bedivere likes swimming, a lot. He also likes animals and plans on doing something with magical animals once he graduates. He still has feelings for Kenzie, the first girl he ever slept with, and is generally around making a nuisance of himself. So... PLOT! Give them to me!
    Monday, January 27th, 2014
    6:53 pm
    This Week's Events
    This week we've only got one event and it's a Birthday.

    Friday Jan 31 - Caradoc

    Also, just a reminder in case you didn't see it in the blast chat on AIM (or you don't have AIM): don't forget to run the friend button! There have been some recent additions.
    5:02 pm
    Yup, okay. I finally got him done. It's Amanda, presenting you with Gawain Robards, future head of the auror department and 7th year Hufflepuff. I'm sick and lazy, so we're just going to go with check him out, plot with me, all of that.

    Love you all!!!
    Sunday, January 26th, 2014
    7:24 pm

    This is Aika here with my second character (yes, already! ;) )

    Kivrin Blishwick is a 6th year Ravenclaw. Her dad's from a pureblood family; he married a muggle and disappeared into the muggle world amidst much scandal. Nothing further was heard from them until Kivrin suddenly turned up at Hogwarts to start her 5th year.

    She's a typical Ravenclaw in that she's studious and loves learning. She took muggle O Levels before she was allowed to come to Hogwarts, but she's decided that she'd rather live in the wizarding world than the muggle one, regardless of what people might think of her or her family. She doesn't think the prejudice against half-bloods is quite as bad as her dad made it out to be, although obviously she notices. (She's got a little pureblood Slytherin cousin who ignores her and it makes her sad :( )

    She's friendly but also a bit socially oblivious and often has to be told why her reactions aren't what people expect - she can be a little on the eccentric side.

    Kivrin also loves flying and joined the Quidditch team this year.

    So! What would your characters think of her?
    Saturday, January 25th, 2014
    12:28 am
    Friday, January 24th, 2014
    5:12 pm

    Tammy here with her last one. Blaming this one on a combination of Neko (PB validation) and Eleanore. *cough*

    Aiden Wythe: 6th year Gryffindor, beater for the quidditch team. He's a generally nice guy unless he's on the Quidditch pitch or you mess with his younger sister (5th year). He's fairly easy going, will try anything once, and stubbornly thinks he'll succeed at everything, which leads to some pretty spectacular failures.

    Need anything and everything for him: friends, exes, past flings, future plots, etc. Also if anyone wants to be the guy that picked on his sister and ended up in the hospital wing because of it, or the friend that he stopped talking to for two weeks once because of a fight (that has since been patched up) let me know that too.
    Tuesday, January 21st, 2014
    9:36 pm
    And Neko here with my third character!

    Meet Cenric Selwyn, one of the 28 families. A pureblood, purist/traditionalist. He is a 6th year Slytherin and close friend to Amycus Carrow. He is also a Prefect and is a Chaser on the Slytherin team.

    Cenric is a smart boy and has an intellectual arrogance that likely annoys some people. He is also cocky given his birth and blood purity, but it is a less vocal kind of arrogance, more like a 'just there' arrogance. The kind you live and breathe. He is the third son of four sons, but despite that is very much a marriage for advancement type of boy. A very traditional one. He, however, will use both 'muggleborn' and 'mudblood' terms, as they mean slightly different things to him. Muggleborns are muggleborns who are properly trying to integrate into Wizarding Society. Mudbloods are those who don't try to, try shoving their ideals down the throats of others and flaunting wizarding tradition. Still, he wont really befriend or bed a muggleborn even if they want to be a proper witch or wizard. Blood purity and social standing and all.

    He likes peppermint and is likely seen sucking on a peppermint candy often, and he is very health conscious and exercises often. He is a very fit boy despite his lanky and slender looks.

    So he needs some lines! Throw them at me! ^_^
    Sunday, January 19th, 2014
    6:54 pm
    Week of Jan 19
    This Week:

    Friday Jan 24 - Full Moon

    Saturday Jan 25 - Quidditch: Gryffindor vs Slytherin

    The Quidditch match will probably be violent, as the last one with these two teams was, but please list any injuries or fouls or whatnot you would like for your characters below and we will try to work in. (This will apply for all future games too, jut reply on the week events post.)
    5:11 pm
    Hi everyone! My name's Aika and I'm a new writer here! I'm really looking forward to getting involved in the RP and writing and plotting with all of you. Just a little about me - I live in London (yay for timezone differences!) and I work with 3-5 year old kids, which is great fun. I'm also a total geek and love all kinds of science fiction. I've written for numerous fandoms over the years, but I've only recently got involved in playing in the HP universe. I love complex games exploring different time periods, and this one looks like just my kind of thing.

    So! I bring you Liviana Courtenay. She's a Slytherin 6th year, ridiculously traditionalist and a pureblood snob. She doesn't have very many friends her own age, but does have something of a cult of personality among the younger Slytherin students. Her family have a very illustrious bloodline but not nearly as much money as they used to, something Liviana is painfully sensitive about. That, and having a four year old brother who's replaced her as the family heir because he's a boy. Possibly the one tradition she actually disagrees with. She's also very much into dark magic, although she considers Voldemort completely irrelevant at this point of time and certainly isn't a follower of his.

    I would love to make connections for her with your characters! Friends, associates, worst enemies, anything you like. For more detail please do take a look at her application and see what you think!
    Friday, January 17th, 2014
    7:08 pm
    Hi! Tammy here with one more. Saving my last one for inspiration for a boy. Hopefully. Probably. At least I intend to. *hides*

    This here is Skye Abrams. She's a 7th year Hufflepuff, friendly, playful, and doesn't take things nearly as seriously as she probably should. She gets lots of crushes on boys, but always tends to fall for them much harder than they ever fall for her. She's only ever had one boyfriend because of it, a muggle, and he ended up being kind of a jerk. Despite that and a rough childhood (being bounced around the foster care system until a magical couple happened to get her), she has a pretty good outlook on life and sees those things as having made her a stronger person today.

    I need anything and everything for her! Friends, people who can't stand her, failed past crushes, whatever!

    I could also use a couple of people who are tutors for her in different subjects as she's kind of a wreck academically outside of CoMC class. Classes she still needs help in are: Herbology, Astronomy, and Muggle Studies. Though she could probably get away with not having much help in the last two.
    Monday, January 13th, 2014
    12:56 pm
    Only thing happening in game this week is the Dueling Tournament.

    Monday: Regulus vs Marlene / Evan vs Sirius / Audrey vs Artemis
    Tuesday: Amycus vs James / Severus vs Desi / Kermit vs Alecto
    Wednesday: Fourth vs Marlene / Sirius vs Audrey / Septimus vs Amycus
    Thursday: Desi vs Alecto / Fourth vs Audrey / Septimus vs Alecto
    Friday: Fourth vs Septimus

    Also: Activity Check if you missed it.
    Sunday, January 12th, 2014
    8:52 pm
    Just a side note that I have changed Trish's PB and tweaked her personality a tiny bit to make her easier to write and hopefully open up more opportunities for lines with other characters. (If you want to see what was tweaked, it's really only the last paragraph of personality section).
    10:41 am
    I am returned!
    Friday, January 10th, 2014
    7:40 pm
    Activity Check
    Posting early this week to give you more time.

    The following characters need to post by Wednesday Jan 15, midnight EST.

    Amycus Posted
    Eir Being dropped
    Fourth Posted

    If you have a post since Dec 21 that we somehow missed, please provide a link. If that entry was for LAST activity check, it does not count.
    Wednesday, January 8th, 2014
    10:02 am
    ... Oops.
    So, life tried to eat me alive after Christmas, But the good news is, not dead, and back for plotty funtimes.
    Sunday, January 5th, 2014
    1:29 am
    1) Starting this week we'll be posting what events are happening for the week so we all stop missing character birthdays and such. :)

    Week of January 5
    January 9 - Artemis Jones' Birthday
    - Severus Snape's Birthday
    January 11 - Hogsmeade Weekend

    2) There will be a dueling club tournament the week of January 12. Please comment below if any of your characters would like to be involved. This would be open to any student, regardless of membership in actual dueling club.

    Nothing will be required on your part during the actual tournament. Depending on the number of entrants it will be divided up over a number of days, and we will be using a random generator to pick winners of each round up to and including the final. Journal entries and threads can of course be made at that time if you wish.

    Per usual if you have any questions or comments, let us know. (Also, activity check has been moved out to next Saturday to allow an extra week because of the holidays!)
    Saturday, January 4th, 2014
    4:42 pm
    While AIM is keeping me signed off...
    Neko with #2. Meet Tamsin Florence, a 7th year Hufflepuff. She will be hexing Bertha soon after Bertha sees her kissing a boy and teases him about it. So if someone wants to pick up Bertha or be the 'guy', let me know! Tamsin is also a twin with a twin brother who is also a 7th year Hufflepuff, so if anyone wants to play Thomas, let me know!

    So! Tamsin is the cousin of Bertram Aubrey and has just found this out over the winter break and will be trying to decide on how to approach Bertram regarding it. Tamsin is a very family and friend oriented girl. When she makes friends they are for life, even if irritate and upset her, she will never stop caring for them. She is a fierce protector, though mostly vocally and through charms.

    One things people will know is that she has an illness that means there are times she misses class, and is occasionally seen walking with the aid of a cane. She had fibromyalgia which causes widespread pain and allodynia (a heightened and painful response to pressure). This manifested around the age of thirteen, so her first two years of schooling would have seen her healthy and active, then after the pain began she would have had to change to accommodate.

    She is very good at potions and herbology and aims to be an apothecary, hoping to find a potion treatment for her disorder.

    I'm looking for friends, possibly someone who was a friend who upset her and/or turned on her or discarded her that she still cares for, people she can dislike.... ^__^ The usual. Now to see if aim will let me sign on....
    Thursday, January 2nd, 2014
    4:45 pm
    Hello everyone. I am Neko and I am bringing in Desiderio Clarke, a Half English, Half- Spanish pureblood. He is a Seventh Year Slytherin, not in any extracurriculars though. Well, not school recognized ones. lol.

    A little about Desi is that he is a playboy type; notorious flirt, likes to tease people, lack in morals sexually. He will even sleep with guys, though that is kinda of like the worst kept secret; as in not outright spoken of, but its nothing shocking by now to hear whispers about. Desi is also pretty social and open-minded for a Slytherin. He's not like the others in blood purity and subscribing to out of date ideals. He likes making up his own mind, and so far he hasn't seen much to support the purist ideals.

    What else... He is smart, charming, witty. Gets grumpy when his insomnia kicks in for long periods of time... which is surprisingly often (he has trouble shutting off his mind). He is playful, but he is also more than a bit manipulative, and has a flexible way of looking at things which will likely get on the more strict and noble idealists nerves.

    I have talked to some of you, but not all! So I got plot set up for him and Alecto, with Kermit, and some idea with a few others... but more! I like variety. I also like plotting things. So throw ideas at me.

    I can be reached at prettyprettyprettyneko@gmail.com for email, and I've broken down and created a aim sn (prettyprettyprettyneko).
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