Out of Character's Journal
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Sunday, June 22nd, 2014

    Time Event
    Hey guys! So, there are a few exciting plots in the works upcoming soon, especially re: newly inducted death eaters. That being said, seventh years are graduated and leave the school tomorrow. If you have a seventh year you want to keep, awesome! Keep plotting away with outside-school stuff, they can stay on the roster. If you wish, however, to drop one? Please let us know! Also, fifth years (rising sixth) are open now, and will remain so. If you want to snag one of them, we'd love that!

    On the note of hiatuses- I know it is slow here with a few people away due to life stuff. If anyone has any plot suggestions to liven things up? Please tell us! We love ideas! I've set this as screened so that if you have a plot idea, you can add and not give it away to everyone, but I can unscreen with everyone's consent as well.


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