Out of Character's Journal
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Friday, June 20th, 2014

    Time Event
    For those of you not on AIM or who haven't looked at my status message there, just wanted to update you all.

    Day shift people have essentially ruined being online at work for us night shift people by them being on facebook/etc and not taking patients, so even though it's dead some nights and we have nothing else to do....it's not really an option anymore because they'll be monitoring our internet now. So send me an offline/mobile message if you need me. Or just send an e-mail. Both will go to my phone.

    I'm going to officially take a hiatus for a few days as I'm not going to be around this weekend, but I also don't really know how this is going to work now since I only have a couple hours generally before work and almost everyone is asleep when I get off. Buuut, I guess we'll figure it out.

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