Out of Character's Journal
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Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

    Time Event
    Hi! Again! It's Cate. This is Elladora, but requests you please not call her that. She prefers El or Guffy. She's a 6th year Gryffindor who communicates mostly in sarcasm, enjoys a good joke/prank (see the minimal canon about her here in which she enjoys enchanting her future neighbor's garden furniture), is super athletic, and the reserve for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She doesn't like complex emotions and tends to divert serious conversations about things in the other direction by utilizing her wit or humor which people either appreciate or view as irresponsible - depending. This isn't to say she's incapable of it, she's just uncomfortable with it and would prefer not to. Think like Tinkerbell with emotions? She likes one at a time.

    Her common knowledge section lists the following: Obsessed with Quidditch. Goes on daily runs no matter the weather. Incredibly sarcastic. Practical joker. Clever. Addicted to coffee. Very opinionated. Charismatic. Friendly. Personable. Dead set against purists/Voldemort. Courageous. Very athletic.

    I suppose she's the sort of person you love or hate? Maybe? She's got one of those personalities. So not give me your plots.

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