Out of Character's Journal
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Friday, February 21st, 2014

    Time Event
    School Wide Snowball War
    Sunday is going to be the Snow Wide Snowbal War that Bedivere has declared. So all week teams were suppose to have been building their forts. Instead of attempting to play something like this out, we are going to do like for Quidditch, I guess, and random it. So what I need from all of you is who is involved, and what team they will be in. Winner, OOCly, will be decided by random generator. in play... winner decided by the last team that doesn't have their fort demolished?

    Then, of course, I say a couple chaotic individuals with no team attacking the teams at will can be done as well. :)

    Also! Let me know of any specifics that should be mentioned, like specific attacks and what have you or specific plots your teams have cooked up....

    EDIT! Link to pictures representing their forst... or img embed them.....

    The Teams )

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