Out of Character's Journal
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Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

    Time Event
    Neko. 7th. Yes, I am insane. I know this. and because munchkin has me kidnapped today, and I have little time to type... this will be short, forgive me.

    This is Galen Ollivander, son and heir to a branch family in which Garrick Ollivander is of the Main Branch. He is a 7th year Ravenclaw, is a Prefect. He is very smart, perhaps a bit intense and prickly. However he is no purist, while he is pureblood. He sings, is in the choir, plays the violin and fiddle, and has a knack for languages and magical theory. He is also loosely Pagan, in that he is not a strict practitioner, but holds to their beliefs.

    Galen has one past main relationship that I do not think anyone would currently fit, and likely has dallied a small bit since that ended. He is up for tutoring those who will not waste his time and will take him seriously as a tutor. He prides himself on his patience so long as he feels his time is not being wasted by someone who couldn't care. There is more, so much more about him. Read his profile, as he is an interesting one, so I like to think. Give me your plots.

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