Out of Character's Journal
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Thursday, February 6th, 2014

    Time Event
    Neko with her fifth.

    This is Peter Pettigrew, before he becomes the lowly rat in the books. He's a nice, sweet boy, but very much a James/Sirius/Remus fanboy. He's not exactly a strong person, but he is there for his friends as only he can be.

    Some things to know about him is that when he comes back form the summer, or going home during breaks, he tends to have OCD tendencies which are always sparked by is mom and he will clean his dorm room and the common room without a thought to it. This fades, though, after he's been away from his mom for a while.

    He has dated a couple girls, but never went beyond basic affection and chaste kisses. So those posts are open. And.. anything else I'm still not awake enough to remember to put here, so go take a gander at his bio in the journal.
    Hey guys, friendly reminder to use the friend button as we've had some characters added in the past few days.

    To those of you who are new and have not found out yet, there is a Valentine's Day plot with more info here. There are still plenty of characters not involved, so plot away!

    ALSO, I didn't post this earlier this week, but Quidditch is the only event happening this week, on Saturday. Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff.

    Let us know below if your characters would like any injuries.

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