Out of Character's Journal
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Sunday, January 26th, 2014

    Time Event

    This is Aika here with my second character (yes, already! ;) )

    Kivrin Blishwick is a 6th year Ravenclaw. Her dad's from a pureblood family; he married a muggle and disappeared into the muggle world amidst much scandal. Nothing further was heard from them until Kivrin suddenly turned up at Hogwarts to start her 5th year.

    She's a typical Ravenclaw in that she's studious and loves learning. She took muggle O Levels before she was allowed to come to Hogwarts, but she's decided that she'd rather live in the wizarding world than the muggle one, regardless of what people might think of her or her family. She doesn't think the prejudice against half-bloods is quite as bad as her dad made it out to be, although obviously she notices. (She's got a little pureblood Slytherin cousin who ignores her and it makes her sad :( )

    She's friendly but also a bit socially oblivious and often has to be told why her reactions aren't what people expect - she can be a little on the eccentric side.

    Kivrin also loves flying and joined the Quidditch team this year.

    So! What would your characters think of her?

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