Out of Character's Journal
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Friday, January 17th, 2014

    Time Event
    Hi! Tammy here with one more. Saving my last one for inspiration for a boy. Hopefully. Probably. At least I intend to. *hides*

    This here is Skye Abrams. She's a 7th year Hufflepuff, friendly, playful, and doesn't take things nearly as seriously as she probably should. She gets lots of crushes on boys, but always tends to fall for them much harder than they ever fall for her. She's only ever had one boyfriend because of it, a muggle, and he ended up being kind of a jerk. Despite that and a rough childhood (being bounced around the foster care system until a magical couple happened to get her), she has a pretty good outlook on life and sees those things as having made her a stronger person today.

    I need anything and everything for her! Friends, people who can't stand her, failed past crushes, whatever!

    I could also use a couple of people who are tutors for her in different subjects as she's kind of a wreck academically outside of CoMC class. Classes she still needs help in are: Herbology, Astronomy, and Muggle Studies. Though she could probably get away with not having much help in the last two.

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