Out of Character's Journal
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Saturday, January 4th, 2014

    Time Event
    While AIM is keeping me signed off...
    Neko with #2. Meet Tamsin Florence, a 7th year Hufflepuff. She will be hexing Bertha soon after Bertha sees her kissing a boy and teases him about it. So if someone wants to pick up Bertha or be the 'guy', let me know! Tamsin is also a twin with a twin brother who is also a 7th year Hufflepuff, so if anyone wants to play Thomas, let me know!

    So! Tamsin is the cousin of Bertram Aubrey and has just found this out over the winter break and will be trying to decide on how to approach Bertram regarding it. Tamsin is a very family and friend oriented girl. When she makes friends they are for life, even if irritate and upset her, she will never stop caring for them. She is a fierce protector, though mostly vocally and through charms.

    One things people will know is that she has an illness that means there are times she misses class, and is occasionally seen walking with the aid of a cane. She had fibromyalgia which causes widespread pain and allodynia (a heightened and painful response to pressure). This manifested around the age of thirteen, so her first two years of schooling would have seen her healthy and active, then after the pain began she would have had to change to accommodate.

    She is very good at potions and herbology and aims to be an apothecary, hoping to find a potion treatment for her disorder.

    I'm looking for friends, possibly someone who was a friend who upset her and/or turned on her or discarded her that she still cares for, people she can dislike.... ^__^ The usual. Now to see if aim will let me sign on....

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