Out of Character's Journal
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Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

    Time Event
    Hello everyone. I am Neko and I am bringing in Desiderio Clarke, a Half English, Half- Spanish pureblood. He is a Seventh Year Slytherin, not in any extracurriculars though. Well, not school recognized ones. lol.

    A little about Desi is that he is a playboy type; notorious flirt, likes to tease people, lack in morals sexually. He will even sleep with guys, though that is kinda of like the worst kept secret; as in not outright spoken of, but its nothing shocking by now to hear whispers about. Desi is also pretty social and open-minded for a Slytherin. He's not like the others in blood purity and subscribing to out of date ideals. He likes making up his own mind, and so far he hasn't seen much to support the purist ideals.

    What else... He is smart, charming, witty. Gets grumpy when his insomnia kicks in for long periods of time... which is surprisingly often (he has trouble shutting off his mind). He is playful, but he is also more than a bit manipulative, and has a flexible way of looking at things which will likely get on the more strict and noble idealists nerves.

    I have talked to some of you, but not all! So I got plot set up for him and Alecto, with Kermit, and some idea with a few others... but more! I like variety. I also like plotting things. So throw ideas at me.

    I can be reached at prettyprettyprettyneko@gmail.com for email, and I've broken down and created a aim sn (prettyprettyprettyneko).

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