The City of New Hope OOC

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The City of New Hope OOC



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January 2nd, 2009

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I apologize to everyone for my unannounced absence. The holidays brought a failed internet connection that wasn't fixed until this morning. I will do my best to get to the replies I owe tonight. Thanks to everyone who sent kind e-mails, but no worries, I am safe. It's just my cable company that hates me.

Hope everyone had a good holiday season and a happy new year!

♥ Marty

December 30th, 2008

And the Next Newbie is...

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Hi and thanks for accepting my pups into the game! I'm Sigi, bringing in two of the Silver Haired Men from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children -- Yazoo and Kadaj. I'm happy to rp both of them or one of them with anyone here. At first they'll explore together but they do go their own ways too.

I don't have AIM for various reasons but I check my email and journal almost every day so I can plot via or in the OOC comm.

I just want to comment I've never been in a game that has Major Kira in it, nor Gul Dukat for that matter. It's been a long time since I saw DS9 but those characters bring back memories of a good series.

And one possible sl occurs to me right away, seeing that Kadaj and Yazoo are neighbours of the Doctor: they could easily meet outside their rooms, no? Yes? Possibly?

So to finish before this becomes a novella, I don't know all the fandoms but this hardly matters in a panfandom game. Nice to be here!

December 29th, 2008


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Newbie here, though not a newbie to RP in general. Been out of it for the past few months, though, not counting dressing rooms, so I was pleased to see a game where I could play Ben and have actual canon mates who weren't also played by me. :(

Anyway, I'm Cati, and this is Ben Skywalker, angry little young Jedi. I'll be bringing him in from somewhere between Sacrifice and the end of Inferno, though I'd definitely like to talk to Caedus-mun about where in the timeline might work best for him. Also totally up for any plot ideas there.

And everywhere else, too! I'll be posting an open entrance post thing later today (I'm on GMT, so "later today" just means "when everyone else starts waking up") and it'll be fun to start playing with y'all. :D

December 26th, 2008

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Hey all, I'm Samantha. I'm 22 and I've been RPing for about five years now -- mostly in Harry Potter games, but I've recently started to get into more original games like this one. 

My character is Debra Morgan from the television series Dexter (I have yet to read the books, so I'm sticking strictly to the show). She's a foul-mouthed, hard-working detective for the Miami Police Department -- or at least she was until she found herself in New Hope. All her info is up in her journal. If anyone wants to plot/thread or even just chat, you can find me at AIM at Drunkenn Lullaby or Y!M at Tea With Voldemort. I look forward to playing with you all!

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Debra Morgan | Dexter | [info]dearlydevotedeb | Samantha
Jaina Solo | Star Wars | [info]thejedisword | QueenC

December 21st, 2008

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I'm new to RP's. I've only been in one other, but i hope i'll do ok. My name is Kristin and i only have one character in the game right now, Max Guevera([info]max_x5_452) from the fandom of Dark Angel. You can reach me at Roanokeexpress21 on aim. Please contact me if you want to coordinate anything happening with our characters.
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