New Haven Plot Community - July 13th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 13th, 2016

[Jul. 13th, 2016|10:45 am]


So apparently I can't seem to stop! LOL Angela here with a Dominari this time.

This is Rhett (Alex Pettyfer PB) and he is entering his Junior year and has every intent of being a criminal Defense Attorney like his father. He's super serious about his studies, and also plays football and basketball, as well as is in the Fraternity, Debate Club and Legal Society.

He's going to need pretty much everything - friends, enemies, lovers, marks, etc. I can't wait to see where this chap goes.
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[Jul. 13th, 2016|05:26 pm]


Hello hello! Its Kelly and its my turn to introduce my newest project character!

This is Nick Wilde. He's a Senior majoring in Forensic Science and Chemistry. He's on the Dominari Council and he's the quarterback of the football team. He lives and breathes football, the only thing more important than football is school. His father was a professional football player so it has always been a contention that he neither has the ability, nor the interest to play football after graduation. He's cocky, brash and entitled and can't stand people who cower or whine. He respects people who are intelligent and will stand up for themselves. He likes having servita and has no preference whether they're male or female. He would never hurt a servita and isn't mean but he will use them for what he wants until he gets bored.

That's Nick in a nutshell. He has a best friend in Rhett Thomas but that's it so he's looking for anything! More friends, fellow athletes, servita past, present and future and really anything else you can throw at me!

I can be reached on AIM at owenhacks or email

funny side note the autocorrect on my computer always changes his journal name nwilde to nailed
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