New Haven Plot Community - July 10th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
New Haven Plot Community

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July 10th, 2016

[Jul. 10th, 2016|11:23 am]


Heeey, so this is Bee, and I've got yet another character I'd like to bring in. There's some quick facts for her here but the short story is that she's ex-Army, would be working security, and I most importantly need an in for her at New Haven, someone she knows who told her about the job and convinced her to apply. Whether it's someone she knew from her time in the military or her ramblings around the east coast during her years in the reserves (she grew up in Philly but has been all over the upper northeast working a lot of the stereotypical after-service jobs that veterans work-- bouncer, security/bodyguard, construction, mechanic, that sort of thing). I'm more than happy to work something out.

And once I have that, she'll be pretty new, so old lines won't really be a thing, but getting a feel for what kinds of shenanigans she can get up to once she's in would be lovely!
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