New Haven Plot Community - July 8th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 8th, 2016

[Jul. 8th, 2016|10:31 am]


I suppose that it's high time I suck it up and introduce this character of mine, she's nobody new as she briefly taught here at NHU in the early part of the year, but due to real life issues and my inability to feel connected to the character I dropped her along with one other who has since made his way back into my mind and is currently here (Caden).

Please welcome back my girl, Elizabeth Brady (or as her twin brother calls her, Ezzie). In case you failed to notice the last name, Ezra Brady is her twin brother, but all other plot lines are open. All info can be found within her profile, but if you have any deeper questions feel free to hit me up on aim or here.

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[Jul. 8th, 2016|01:09 pm]


Hey guys!

I am working on a second character and was hoping to get some lines for her. She is a servita freshman and isn't much of a fan of rules and restrictions (which is a little funny because she wants to go into some sort of federal law enforcement). She loves to have fun and is a big fan of sex but avoids relationships and commitment.

She needs anything and everything you want to offer but I would really like to have some sort of Dominari line set up for her (past, present, one that just uses her as an unowned servita, future) and she could use some friends, of course.

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