New Haven Plot Community - June 29th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 29th, 2016

[Jun. 29th, 2016|07:54 am]


Good morning lovelies. Kelly here with a new toy character to play with :)

This is Theofanis Alexander. He'd tell you to call him Theo because its less of a mouthful. He grew up with money and went to boarding school before attending NHU as a dominari during his undergrad, graduated in 2012. He spent the last 4 years writing, with multiple publications under his name and a penname and traveling with his husband. When the husband up and dumped him on his ass he decided he need to figure out a future for himself so he's back at NHU as an assessor in the English Lit department. He's also teachers aide to the newspaper. He has a big heart and would save the world if he could, though he's not naive enough to believe he could actually do it. He always tries to see the best in people and is quick to trust even if it comes back to bite him.

As mentioned a moment ago his half brother [info]mikoalexander is also here. Theo is very hands off and just lets Miko learn things the hard way since thats what he wants but as big brother's do he keeps an eye on him.

Everything else is open and I'm game for just about anything! If anyone was around 4 or more years ago it would be fun to get reacquainted.
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[Jun. 29th, 2016|11:48 pm]


Hey guys!

I was wondering if anyone was considering making an older character? I'm interested in seeing if anyone would be up for playing a professor/parent to a character I'm brainstorming. You can find me on inherentlysinful if you'd like to talk about it! Or hit me on any of my dropboxes.
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