New Haven Plot Community - June 20th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
New Haven Plot Community

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June 20th, 2016

[Jun. 20th, 2016|09:46 pm]


[Current Mood |bouncy]

Hey all, Jill here, with my latest character in progress. Meet Winifried 'Winnie' Fredricksen, Freshman Servita majoring in Biology with a minor in Chemistry. She's 18, comes from Lancaster, PA (Amish country, though she grew up Mennonite), and I'm looking for any ties for her to come into game with before I finish her application tomorrow.

If anyone would like a Servita she could use a Dominari, otherwise just friends or potential family members would be cool.

(and yes, I posted something a few days ago but I deleted it as I made some changes)
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