New Haven Plot Community - June 11th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
New Haven Plot Community

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June 11th, 2016

[Jun. 11th, 2016|07:22 pm]


Okay, so I've been a neglectful mod this past month or so between RL and school and not introducing myself to new characters like I should. This is my zoo. If anyone wants plot or anything with them, just let me know. Current, new, past, whatever and whoever.

Cut for length )
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[Jun. 11th, 2016|09:44 pm]


Hello everyone,

I bring you Anais Bruhns. She's coming here as an Assessor who just came to the states after graduating law school in Paris. She can be a bit...prickly. She is smart and ambitions and maybe even a little (lot) bitchy. You know you want to play with her.

Leave me a message or hit me up at gothambookchick on AIM.
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