New Haven Plot Community - June 1st, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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June 1st, 2016

[Jun. 1st, 2016|08:02 am]


For once I think I'll manage to keep this relatively short! This is Liam Rolff, dominari grad student all up in that cyber security business. He's a quiet, background kind of guy though he isn't shy, he just prefers to take everything in and get really settled in before putting himself out there. He likes to think of himself as a voyeur of life, but he's also kind of pretentious, so that shouldn't be a surprise. He loves to swim and hangs out there a lot when the team isn't taking over the pool, he grew up playing piano because his mother was determined to believe he'd end up playing for a symphony when he got older, and he spends surprisingly little time around computers given his major, preferring to read or find a nice bench or tree to lean against to people watch instead. He also likes to present a front that he's a jack of all trades and knows all about a wide variety of things, excelling at most, but he knows nothing and excels at little.

Then I also have [info]marigolde coming in, she is a junior servita with an eye on social work, so she's currently in the psych department. She's a little bundle of denial, defiance, and hair, and really makes it seem like she hates everything the school stands for while also loving every last second of it to the point where she's already planning on sticking around for her masters and possibly becoming an assessor down the line. Contrary. She's very contrary. She'll be super nice to other servita, chilly to dominaris, and pretty defiant/snarky to anyone staking a claim on her time whether briefly or long term. Nothing that'll get her in trouble with the school, but she also doesn't necessarily make herself out to be a great choice for most. She loves to dance, so probably tries to catch time doing that whenever she has a moment, though that hasn't happened much lately because of the end of the semester approaching.

Let me know what they can fill for you guys, if anything, or any ideas you might have for them! I'm all for it.
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[Jun. 1st, 2016|11:51 am]


Hello everyone. I'm Kelly and this here is Owen. We're both new around here.

Owen is a grad servati having graduated from MIT in December with a BS in Computer Science and a BA in Graphic Design. He's just starting a masters for both. He's intelligent to the point of being obnoxious but only when it comes to math and science. Don't ask him to analyze Shakespeare. He's computer obsessed and is already hacking his way into things he shouldn't. Socially he's very awkward and doesn't like groups of people. He comes off as either extremely weird or just plain mean depending on the situation. Most of it is merely a defense mechanism. He's most at home in front of a computer and given the choice would never leave it.

That's all I can think of at the moment so questions, ideas, suggestions throw them out way.

I'm really excited to be here!
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