New Haven Plot Community - April 30th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 30th, 2016

[Apr. 30th, 2016|12:03 pm]


This is Marta Herrera, professor in the gender, sexuality, and women's studies department. She attended New Haven when she was doing her undergrad in the early 2000s, so anyone who might have known her then is more than welcome to work out lines right off the bat. She's a strong dominant personality but was a servita during her time here because of a need for the scholarship, and during her junior and senior years she was under the tutelage of a professor who ultimately was an incredible mentor for her, and who also got her into some pretty intense elements of the fetish culture, as well as camgirling. She moved to Philadelphia for her graduate degree(s) and stayed there for quite some time, staying firmly in the fetish world (teaching classes, photoshoots, even a couple of movies) all the while as she got both a PhD in sex education and sex therapy, which she used to start a (very small) practice as a sex surrogate. Things in Philly went tits up and she started bouncing around as a traveling professor at various universities in the north east, which is how she ended up back at New Haven, though she's here with full intent to stay.

She's been teaching here since the beginning of the current semester and as such has probably been working her way through any and all willing partners since she wasn't sure at the outset if she'd be sticking around. Anyone (un)lucky enough to catch her eye would be fantastic, as would, well, anything honestly. Similarly-minded professors who could become friends, people she's butted heads with in some way, some of the more scared or genteel of the servitas that could trigger her desire to try to help them reclaim their sexuality, you name it and I want it! She's got a dark sense of humor, is a textbook narcissist, and very invested in several causes, but she's also something of a cheerleader for people that she likes, always encouraging them to do whatever they can or should do. To co-opt an often used phrase, she isn't bad, she's just drawn that way.
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