New Haven Plot Community - April 24th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 24th, 2016

[Apr. 24th, 2016|02:54 pm]


This is Elinor Walden, a first year student and a servitas. Since it's kind of an awkward time in the year I'm going to NPC the Dominari that owned her until very recently and say that she (Sophie) was a Theatre major who is graduating this summer and thus has recently freed up Elinor to potential new ownership.

Elinor is definitely an under-the-radar kind of person. She's a bit on the shy side, though not to the point of being socially inept, and is a natural submissive so she's actually kind of enjoying that aspect of being at New Haven. She's sexually inexperienced though, having only been in one relationship prior to Sophie, and she's a bit worried about being unclaimed again because she just isn't sure what might be asked of her. On the other hand she's hoping this means she'll be able to focus more on her studies, as Sophie gave her just enough time for schoolwork to squeak by. She's going to be an Environmental Studies major and tends to look at things from a more scientific outlook than anything else. Personality-wise she's good-tempered, enjoys the chemistry inherent in baking and the creativity in cooking, is a bit of a nerd (Sophie liked to dress her up in random costumes and she's been bitten by the cosplay bug), spends as much time outdoors as humanly possible (and is a bit of a hippie albeit a well-bathed and cleanly one) and is involved in both the Equestrian and Gardening Club, as well as the Sciene and LGBT societies.

I am *very* open to plots, ideas, maybe friendships she's formed in gen ed classes or clubs, one or two other Dominaris that Sophie lent her out to recently for non-sexual fun or ones she's just gotten to know through a near-year of being on campus. I'll be working on her application this afternoon but wanted to test the waters and see what, if anything, I could get kicked off for her before then. *Edit*: I'm working on a line with a new dominari for her, but anything else still goes, as does one or two one-off dominaris in the interim.
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