New Haven Plot Community - April 13th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
New Haven Plot Community

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April 13th, 2016

[Apr. 13th, 2016|01:53 am]


Hey guys! Rachel...hitting that character cap.

This is Neriah, first year assessor, Sorority Alum, animal lover, part time gymnast, and all around good time girl. She's pretty mellow, but is looking for some casual lovers, maybe a servita, past friends, new friends, all the things.
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[Apr. 13th, 2016|11:23 am]



It's Dani and I have another lovely boy for your plotting pleasure, [info]juliansutton. He is Lydia's twin brother, and Garrett's younger brother, dominari, majoring in business and minoring in music, though his passion does lay more with music. He can play several instruments but is classically trained in piano.

He would love a little bit of everything, friends, past servita, exes, current everything? Hit me up :D
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