New Haven Plot Community - March 4th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 4th, 2016

[Mar. 4th, 2016|08:19 pm]


Hey there! I'm stuck between two characters, who knows maybe I'll end up bringing in both. I've played at Pearson and the other revamps so maybe we've crossed paths before? I think I would like to revive [info]imolly (let me know if anyone is interested in a line with her) and possibly make a new male. I promise his pb is easy on the eyes and I don't have too many details on him yet so I'm open to all type of lines! I do know that he'll be between the age of 21-24, most likely servita, and pansexual.

I also played [info]eian Have we played together before? Let's do it again!
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[Mar. 4th, 2016|09:21 pm]


So hey...hypothetical question. If I were to hypothetically be considering bringing in a Saoirse Ronan faced character, would there hypothetically be anything anyone might hypothetically need filled?
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