New Haven Plot Community - February 10th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 10th, 2016

[Feb. 10th, 2016|07:31 am]


Andy here with a new character. Surprise! Yeah, I was surprised too since he kind of came fully formed while I was driving like my very own Athena.

Caesar is Turkish but with a multi-cultural background. He's half Spanish (Spain) and is Muslim. He comes from wealthy, respected, and successful families in their own rights and was lavished because of it as well as being the only child. He's never really worked a day in his life outside of academia. Caesar has his own fun brand of sexism that's subversive but maybe one of the more damaging because it isn't overt. He has struggled with his love/hate relationship with conservative and constrained women but also the same dual response to Western Women.

I have the courses that he'll be teaching starting the next semester within his bio as his focus in Poli Sci is Middle Eastern and International as a whole.

In the mean time, Caesar moved in quietly to the house next to Chris Mansfield and has/will be keeping to himself for a bit. With the spreading rumor that he's interviewing all of the Assessors of the Poli Sci department and 3-4th level students. 3 and 4th year students of his department are being interviewed to become his TA.

Um. I think that's it. I'm terrible at these. Things?
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[Feb. 10th, 2016|02:08 pm]


Hello all.

I'm a dirty rotten liar I know. This is Rachel and even though I swore Milo would be the last, here I am again. I've always wanted to use Andy for something and now, at last, she has a home!

This is Andy Carroll. And she is *dun dun dun* Riley's sister. They aren't 100% aware of this (they think they're half siblings through their mother), but have been friendly enough at least with each other.

She's a bitch. Just tossing that out there. And she is looking for some servita to dominate. Or some doms that are into that sort of thing. Hit me up with some lines!
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