New Haven Plot Community - January 1st, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 1st, 2016

[Jan. 1st, 2016|03:34 pm]


Hey yall!

Since I dropped Genie (dead muse was dead), I am replacing her with this lovely. Meet Jael Malka (her first name rhymes with Tyrell)- she is one of the heads of New Haven's campus clinic, an RN with a specialty in emergency medicine. She's a native Israeli from a rags-to-riches childhood, a failed, abusive marriage from a rich American man, and has been at New Haven for two years.

Personality wise, she is quiet, a workaholic, and has a softspot for kids with bad backgrounds. She's blunt and honest without being crass, but is also a trauma case herself, doesn't trust many people, and is involved with MMA (Krav Maga).

So lines please! Two years of time to work with, peeps.
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[Jan. 1st, 2016|11:37 pm]


So, I've decided I need someone a little friendlier than Joan. I've been batting around an idea for a Dom for a few weeks who's kind of like, a dorm room hairstylist who might look for a Servari who is willing to experiment with their hair.

I was thinking Eka Darville as a pb? But I haven't thought too far into many of the details like major or family details. Could he be something that interests anyone? Or might work for lines people are looking to fill?
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