A seizure? Good lord, people still had those? "So, you've got one of those chips that resets your brain impulses?" Now he had caught her in a moment where she really was inquiring rather than joking. She knew about those, but had never actually spoken to anyone about their function or what it was like. "Is it like those old pace makers? I heard you could feel those things when they went off. Crazy shit." What would it feel like to have your brain zapped back into normal function?
When the conversation dipped into what he was planning on doing for the rest of the night, Lili actually had to stop and think for a moment. Was he inviting her to join him or was this just him listing his plans for the evening? In general, she was bad with people. That was why she lived online so much. They couldn't really hurt you. They could hurt your gear and they could hack your stuff, but that was stuff. It could be replaced. Even certain body parts could be, but if you mind and spirit were broken, there was no going back. "Sounds like a reasonable night for someone who says they're definitely not Batman."