Merr shook his head. "Not at all. Just finishing up some work. Figured since I was already here, it's as nice a place as any." Also he really didn't want to go back to work. Victoria was doting on him more than normal and his father... the man had only gotten worse since he'd gotten out of the hospital. "Also, the company isn't half bad." He added with a polite smile, looking at the new fresh cup of coffee, his having already been drained.
"Thank you." He said with a nod as he set down his tablet. Merrit picked up the cup of coffee and took a sip. "Finally off for the evening?" He asked, already guessing the answer. He knew who Lili was, but not who she was. The Wire tended to play things close to the chest, even with their allies. Merrit tended to only get to know someone when they got into trouble. It wasn't like the work he did with the CoD. There, status was everything. So, inside the 'family' people knew who each other were. Merr only had assumptions to be made by who frequented the cafe or worked there, but where within the group they landed- he had no idea. Actually he didn't really know the hierarchy at all.