February 26th, 2011



it was one lonely night...

When Athyr finally leaves the conference room, two hours later, he has a sick feeling in the bottom of his stomach that makes it feel shrunken. His throat is raw from shouting, his chest feels thin and airless and his clenched hands are shaking.

Merdhin knew. Athyr's sure of it. He's certain. Merdhin knew from the very beginning about Anna--he was just waiting for the right moment to tell, for the point when it would have the most impact. It wouldn't have been useful before now to have Aloth Lloyd as a political ally, the diplomatic ties wouldn't have benefited him, but he needs Lloyd's money and now he has something to offer, a stake in his kingdom and a beautiful wife Athyr has to get rid of.

Fucking old sorcerer. He knew.

You can't tell anyone, Arthur, Merdhin said. You can't tell anyone. Not even Cai. Just tell them she betrayed you, tell them you have to get her off the planet and Lloyd's the best man to take her. Tell them she has to disappear. Athyr can't even remember everything he said--he remembers himself, he remembers yelling, protesting, he remembers that he broke one of the chairs in the conference room, which isn't like him at all and he can't really think why he did it. And now he has to tell Anna. Merdhin's right--Athyr can't remember why he's right. He just knows he is.

And he knew all along.